For generations, people have been using hot tubs to relieve aches and pains, reduce stress and entertain family and friends. But regular hydrotherapy has some amazing health benefits as well. Here are three ways 20 minutes in the spa a few times a week can improve your health.
The body uses energy to cool itself as temperature rises from sitting in elevated heat of a hot tub. And blood circulation increases causing the heart to work harder. Using a hot tub, in addition to an active lifestyle, can increase weight loss and fitness.
strong>More Relaxed Sleep
Using a hot tub as part of an evening routine helps the body make the switch from awake to sleep easily. It has to do with elevated temperature and how raising core body temperature prior to going to bed signals the body to slow down in preparation for sleep.
Decrease Toxins In the Body
While you can’t rid the body of all toxins, using a hot tub is a quick way to eliminate some.
As body temperature rises, blood vessels dilate. Nutrients and oxygen are more readily delivered to the cells, pushing out chemical waste and moisture through the pores.
So Go Ahead, Take a Soak, You Deserve it!
It’s fast, fun and relaxing. Not only that, it’s good for the body, soothes the mind and can improve your overall health and well-being.
To encourage local residents to check out the benefits of using a hot tub to help improve their overall health and well-being, International Hot Tub is providing free test soaks at all of our showrooms. We do recommend however that people wanting to schedule their free 30-minute soak call us ahead of time to reserve their spot.
To learn more about the benefits of owning a hot tub, pick up a copy of this free hot tub buyer’s guide “7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Before You Invest With a Hot Tub Dealer”. Just give us a call at ☎ 303-296-7727 or visit our website at
International Hot Tub Company
4275 N Broadway, Ste A
Denver, CO 80216
☎ 303-296-7727
IHT International Hot Tub Co
2660 E. County Line Rd
Littleton, CO 80126
☎ 303-770-6662
International Hot Tub Company
I-25 at 8th Ave
(Big Blue Building)
1035 Zuni St.
Denver, CO 80204
☎ 303-755-4772
International Hot Tub Company
3550 Arapahoe Ave
Boulder, CO 80303
☎ 303-449-7095