
Pricing Guide:
$ $ $ $ $ 3/5

The Makena® Hot Tub exemplifies all the best qualities of Caldera® Spas. Full-sized and full-featured, this 6-seat spa is perfect for entertaining guests, quality time with family, or your daily personal wellness practice.


The UltraMassage® lounge lets you sit reclined as a variety of strategically placed jets massage your neck, shoulders, middle back, calves, and feet. Also included in the tub's perimeter is an EcstaSeat® which targets large muscle groups in your back, calves, and feet. A LumbarSage® Seat contains a unique cluster of jets that relieve tension in your spine's lumbar region while foot jets massage your feet and ankles.
The Makena hot tub features 46 jets across its 6 unique seating stations, making it the perfect place to soothe sore muscles or just relax after a long day. Centered in the footwell is a Euphoria® jet that soothes your feet, calves, knees, and thighs.
The Makena lives up to its paradise status through much more than its hydrotherapy features. A total of 12 multi-colored SpaGlo® Points-of-Interior Lights12 points-of-light are dispersed throughout the tub to add a color-therapy element to your spa experience.

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