Why You Should Upgrade to a Gas Fireplace

Winter has arrived and Colorado’s famously fickle weather likely has you at a loss for your next home project. How are we going to keep busy, warm, and in touch with nature with two feet of snow outside? Answer: It’s time to determine whether you should upgrade to a gas fireplace.

Benefits of a Gas Fireplace

Are you tired of carrying firewood in and out of the house?
Do you still enjoy scraping out layers of soot season after season?
Are you ready to leave news-paper-fire-starting to the Boy Scouts? 

If you said yes to any of these questions, answer this one more:
Are you ready to give up all these little annoyances for the quick convenience of a gas insert?

The reality behind that pleasant ambiance of the standard wooden fireplace includes over 90% of the heat produced getting lost up the chimney, not to mention the single gust of wind it takes to push all that frozen air and smoke back into the house, all before considering maintenance costs and a time investment that makes your other chores look like child’s play.

Have Questions? Learn More!

If you’re not familiar with recent improvements made in gas fireplace technology, make sure to stop by IHT Spas and Fireplaces to talk to one of our knowledgeable sales reps. We will guide you through our expansive selection to determine the most graceful solution to your individual needs. If you’re looking for the affordable elegance of a realistic flame and decorative display, Kozy Heat’s legendary lineup and services are sure to impress. Napoleon’s lasting reputation and classic yule log style will take you back to the holidays at home. Worried about installation, cost, heating, or aesthetics? We understand that every situation is as unique as the individual. Our sales and service team guides you to the perfect unit to meet all financial and structural requirements.

Enjoy a flickering flame upon your realistic, yet hassle-free ceramic logs, rocks, or glass in time for the holidays. Don’t delay; upgrade to a gas fireplace today! We’ve already had our first heavy snow and installation time slots are filling up fast. Be ready to grab your remote and ignite the ice away. This year especially, it’ll make all the difference.

If you’re not sure a gas fireplace is the answer, stay tuned for our next blog on electric fireplaces

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